Women in workout class with BiPro logo

Case Study

BiPro Drives New Product Awareness with Targeted Peer Influencers

Top Use Cases




Consumer Healthcare

Keep scrolling to see how BiPro became pros at driving results with TINT


Increase in
Share of Voice


Pieces of 
User-generated Content


Increase in Likelihood 
to Purchase

Mobilize Your Ideal Customers

Brands are often stuck playing hide and seek with target consumers, and BiPro knew getting the right people to talk about their brand would boost awareness and drive conversion. With TINT’s segmentation engine, the brand mobilized 500 socially-connected and “health minded” consumers looking to add natural protein to their diet.

BiPro products and images of peer influecers
UGC from a BiPro advocacy campaign

Deliver an Engaging Brand Experience

TINT’s robust activation capabilities made it easy for BiPro to deliver a unique offline-to-online brand experience, complete with exclusive brand swag, informational literature and recipe cards.

Spark High-quality Reviews Across Key Online Channels

With TINT’s suite of social sharing tools powered by its proprietary Single-Click Sharing™ technology, BiPro drove thousands of posts, reviews, photos, comments, and more across key online channels.

Images of BiPro UGC from a Brand Advocacy campaign
The trusted enterprise solution for over 5,000 of the world’s leading brands

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