Product Sampling - Drive Reviews, Trials, and UGC with the Power of Community

Make your sampling and reviews investment work harder and increase ROI.

Deliver personalized product sampling campaigns and distribute at scale to potential customers and a community of passionate brand advocates.

Product Sampling
The trusted enterprise sampling solution for 5,000+ of the world’s leading brands
"We chose community to help drive brand awareness, social conversation and product trials for Tazo Chai Tea. Our product sampling Mission sparked thousands of pieces of user-generated content and drove key business objectives."

Alexis Green, Brand Manager, TAZO


Pieces of UGC Driven Through Product Sampling


Increase in likelihood to purchase


Your Solution for Always-On Personalized Product Sampling & Reviews

With TINT, you can easily mobilize targeted consumers to deliver personalized sampling campaigns that spark trials, brand advocacy, and reviews.

Most importantly, we can help you leverage your sampling efforts, making it more than a simple one-off activity to generate UGC or support product launches that boost sales.

Cultivate your online brand community in one place as part of a holistic, long-term strategy for customer acquisition, loyalty-building, and generating consumer insights.

Take a Tour

Product review - "Love this product. This new product line is my favorite thing ever. I'm already ordering more!"
Reviews syndication

Effective Audience Targeting for Digital Product Sampling

Successful digital sampling programs require the right segmentation and targeting. Create progressive profiles of members, continually collecting and adding zero-party data and first-party data. Hyper-segmentation and targeting of audiences to reach the right individual to meet your needs for each sampling campaign and new product launch. 

Co-Create With Your Sampling Community

An effective product sampling strategy means co-creation. UGC, testimonials, and reviews can be generated in real-time within the platform as community members receive their samples and advanced reporting capabilities make it easy to access real-time sampling and review data.

With our robust integrations including the Bazaarvoice and Power Reviews syndication networks, reviews can be syndicated to seamlessly share consumers experiences across key retail and online channels with all the proper disclosures to streamline your workflow.

Co-creation with TINT ft a survey question asking what name resonates most
Banner showing images from the Short Guide to Digital Product Sampling ebook

Supercharge Your Product Sampling Strategy

The right product sampling strategy can be powerful for brands looking to generate buzz, drive sales, and foster long-term customer loyalty. By providing potential customers with the opportunity to experience your product firsthand, you can create a memorable and compelling brand interaction that encourages purchase. 

First, we help identify your target audience and select the most relevant products for sampling. Our sampling network combined with your own community opens up the right partners to expand your reach and tap into new markets. 

Next, we develop creative and engaging sampling experiences that showcase your product’s unique features and benefits, while also collecting valuable feedback and customer data. Leveraging your community, social media and digital channels to amplify the impact of your sampling campaigns and encourage user-generated content and reviews. 

Finally, we measure the success of your sampling initiatives by tracking key metrics such as sample requests, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value. By continuously refining your product sampling strategy based on data-driven insights, you can optimize your approach and maximize the return on your sampling investment.

Personalized Sampling

Tailor each sampling campaign with dynamic targeting to maximize trial and relevancy

Social Sharing

Create a groundswell of UGC across social media to increase share of voice and awareness

Review Syndication

Prompt consumers to share their experience on key retail and ecommerce channels to boost conversion

Product Sampling Insights

Advanced reporting capabilities make it easy to access real-time sampling and review data to maximize ROI

Why leading brands choose TINT to maximize sampling

Culturelle Drives 46,000+ Pieces of UGC and achieves a +18% increase in Consumers who “always purchase” the brand

Probiotic brand, Culturelle, aims to spark meaningful conversation among parent audiences while activating authentic word-of-mouth through targeted product sampling.

“Our community is extremely engaged, whether it’s helping pick a new flavor for our next product launch, trialing a new product, or posting on their social channels to drive advocacy amongst other parents.”

Eric Bianco, Brand Manager

Culturelle product sampling Campaign TINT

Learn more about Product Sampling

Two women showing makeup products to the camera

Short Guide to Digital
Product Sampling

Unlock the potential of diverse channels for effective product sampling, blending traditional and digital strategies.

A man and woman looking at a phone

Product Sampling
Community Guide

Learn how to engage consumers, personalize interactions, and leverage word-of-mouth marketing with product sampling.

A group of people drinking

Social Sampling
That Gets Results

Discover the benefits and strategies of social sampling, driving word-of-mouth, insights, and reviews for impactful results.

Product Sampling Marketing – Complete Guide

Facilitating a brand experience via product sampling marketing drives conversion, word-of-mouth advocacy, and overall market awareness.


Yes! For new acquisition, you can activate TINT’s ready-made peer influencer community of 1 million+ consumers. Identify thousands of highly targeted consumers to sample your brand in a campaign to create and share rights-approved UGC and reviews that scale across social and online channels. 

Many product sampling companies run programs like try it sampling that are one time, don’t include continued engagement, or are limited to in-store. We help you maximize your marketing strategy and leverage your sampling efforts, making it more than a simple one-off activity to generate UGC or support product launches and creating a holistic, long-term strategy for customer acquisition, loyalty-building, and generating consumer insights. 

With TINT, you can easily mobilize your consumer community in a branded destination and deliver sampling opportunities to targeted consumers.

Each consumer has their own personalized dashboard with invitations to sample products, take surveys, and connect with other like-minded consumers. When a consumer opts into an invitation, they receive types of product samples and are prompted to share their experience via a product review or social UGC. 

TINT’s powerful and dynamic audience segmentation uses zero and first-party data to make sure the right person is trying and talking about your brand at the right time. From personal preferences to lifestyle habits to demographics like age, HHI, and geographic locations, audience customization and activation is limitless.

Absolutely! A product sampling community is an always-on fuel source for authentic and high-quality reviews.

With our robust integrations including the Bazaarvoice API, consumers can seamlessly share their experience across key retail and online channels, all with the proper disclosures and monitoring. On the back end, we’ll handle and track all the activity ensuring the highest conversion rates. 

Get started with TINT Product Sampling