A man grabbing food from a paper bag

Case Study

How GrubHub gained over 53,000 community members

Top Use Cases




Food & Beverage

Scroll down to see how they achieved these tasty results


Positive Brand Opinion


Community Members


Pieces of UGC & Recommendations


Survey Responses Collected

Grubhub is an online food delivery marketplace, where restaurant owners can list their establishments for consumers to order from.

The Challenge:

Grubhub needed a home for key target diners to spread advocacy and drive conversion among new customers. Today, their Tastemakers online communities, built for both general diners and Gen Z on college campuses, have generated thousands of brand engagements, authentic user-generated content, and proprietary insights, with 90% positive brand sentiment.

"We've seen a huge increase in brand loyalty through this program. One loyalty survey showed that the majority of advocates were also members of our subscription service, and we saw an increase in members who consider our brand to be the preferred choice over competitors. Our advocates have ultimately become more brand loyal due to our connection with them through this platform."

Leverage Diner Voices to Elevate Positive Sentiment and Referrals

Word-of-Mouth is a powerful tool to help drive conversion and to increase brand equity among a target audience. Grubhub activates its online brand communities to participate in campaigns that spark social sharing – posting photos on Instagram, hosting virtual dinner parties with friends and much more.

Grubhub community
feedback from a customer

Acquisition of Zero-Party and First-Party Data to Optimize Go To Market Strategies

With always-on access to the Tastemakers communities, Grubhub can obtain predictive insights through Vesta’s robust research-gathering capabilities. Whether it’s a custom survey, a quick poll or a discussion board, Grubhub captures important information to inform their strategies to maintain their market standing.  

Promote and Amplify Target-Specific Brand Initiatives

Grubhub created a dedicated Tastemakers community to drive marketplace delivery at targeted college campuses and to drive overall awareness among the college student market. With Vesta’s advanced segmentation engine, delivering relevant offers that appeal to college students is easy, and most importantly, it is easy to scale. 

College survey by Grubhub
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