Case Study

How DSE Healthcare Solutions Drives Innovation and Brand Growth with The Upside Community

Top Use Cases





Keep scrolling to see how DSE Healthcare drove these impressive results


Product Innovations Developed or Launched with the Community


UGC & Reviews Collected


Increase in Purchase Among Community Members


Increase in Net Promoter Score

With a portfolio of specialty health brands, DSE Healthcare Solutions knew they had to stay on top of trends. They created The Upside Community for easy and fast connection to healthy brand engagement.

The Challenge:

DSE Healthcare Solutions faced the need for predictive insights, positive sentiment, and targeted brand initiatives. Overcoming this challenge through TINT’s capabilities led to product innovations, increased engagement, and elevated brand loyalty.

"Fergon Iron Restore was completely developed with the help of the Upside Community. They helped us name the product and then sample it and gave us reviews. That whole thing happened within the community."

Acquisition of First and Zero Party Data to Optimize Go To Market Strategies

With always-on access to The Upside community, DSE Healthcare Solutions can obtain predictive insights through TINT’s robust research-gathering capabilities. Whether it’s a custom survey, a quick poll or a discussion board, the company can capture important information to inform their strategies to maintain their market standing.

Image of DSE Community Zero Party Data Collection
Leveraging Consumer Voices through the Upside Community

Leverage Consumer Voices to Elevate Positive Sentiment and Referrals

Word-of-Mouth is a powerful tool to help drive conversion and to increase brand equity among a target audience. DSE Healthcare Solutions activates The Upside community to participate in campaigns that spark social sharing.

Promote and Amplify Target-Specific Brand Initiatives

DSE Healthcare Solutions created The Upside to drive overall awareness across the market of specific brands within the portfolio. With TINT’s advanced segmentation engine, delivering relevant offers is turnkey, and most importantly, scalable.

Images of DSE Community Member UGC
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