Man and woman brushing their teeth alongside the hello logo

Case Study

How hello products Wins at Advocacy With the hello friends Community

Top Use Cases




Personal Care

Keep scrolling to see how hello drove these results with their brand community


Increase in brand loyalty


Increase in Net Promoter Score


UGC, Reviews & Recommendations Generated


Have Purchaed in the Last 3 Months

The Challenge:

Challenger brand, hello products, is on a mission to make the world a friendlier place starting with their line of naturally-friendly oral and personal care products. Naturally, when they needed an advocacy solution for making new brand friends, they turned to TINT to help them create the hello friends community.

"Our hello friends community was created to encourage a more thoughtful approach to oral care and inspire members to think about the products they are using. It quickly become a home for vocal brand advocates, providing education and prompting action to broaden our brand awareness."

The Missing Piece to a Complete Online Brand Presence

Website, e-commerce, content, video – hello products is at the forefront of direct-to-consumer relationship building. An online brand community was the missing piece to help bring their mission alive in a vibrant and inclusive home for hello product consumers.

images from the hello friends community
reviews and UGC from the hello friends community

An Owned Channel for Always-On UGC & Reviews

The hello friends community generates thousands of pieces of UGC, reviews, photos and more across key online channels. Whether it’s a new product that needs a boost or general brand awareness, community members are an army of advocates to activate and drive conversion on the brand’s website, key e-commerce channels, and social media outlets.

Bringing Brand Values to Life and Securing Loyalty with Community

hello products is a challenger brand in the highly competitive oral and personal care market. The hello friends community helps the brand’s unique values shine through and fosters the much-needed emotional connection that cuts through the clutter, competes with the big players, and secures long-lasting loyalty.

image of hello product, community members and the community website on a mobile phone
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