
Ratings & Reviews


Today we’re excited to announce a new Ratings & Reviews solution that puts community at the heart of ecommerce growth, now available in TINT’s Community Powered Marketing platform.  Securing a Pipeline of Fresh Reviews for Brands Within the dynamic arena of Ratings & Reviews, brands encounter a pressing dilemma: not merely securing reviews, but securing a continuous influx of up-to-date, high-caliber reviews on product display pages. TINT found that 63% of marketers wrestle with maintaining…

If you are like me and nearly 70 percent of consumers, according to a recent report from global market intelligence firm Mintel, you read online reviews or seek out opinions from other consumers online before making many of your purchase decisions. I find myself doing this with consistency, even when making the most innocuous choices. Most recently I was on the hunt for a gluten free, vegan probiotic (I know. I am so annoying). Since my…