
UGC Examples


How other brands are using UGC.

How did an exclusively online store sell $100M in mattresses through DTC marketing when people couldn’t even test out if they liked the product before buying? Direct-to-consumer marketing initially seemed to go against the laws of buying decisions. People would always want to lay on a mattress before buying it, right? A safe assumption has turned into a completely wrong perspective. It turns out people are more than happy to buy a mattress on the…

Video content on social media continues its explosive growth. But, sometimes even the best creators need some Instagram Stories Inspiration. There is a continual drip of new features to encourage people to use Instagram stories. We’re digging into stories to find tips, tricks, and ways to showcase your…

The user-generated content customer journey is built on excitement. First, the excitement of discovering a product. Then, the excitement of ordering and anticipation of that product’s arrival. Finally, the excitement of experiencing and engaging with the product. Smartphones and social media have further accelerated this journey, placing purchasing…

Early Adopters may be the key to marketing a safe return. Hotels, restaurants, clubs, museums, and similar businesses have found themselves in an unexpected situation. In March 2020, as businesses temporarily closed their doors due to the pandemic, many business operators expected a few weeks of downtime before…

Omnichannel marketing takes a lot of work.  Posting, engaging, and responding consistently to one social platform requires at least one dedicated member of your team—add in 5 other platforms (on top of your campaigns!) and overwhelmed becomes an understatement. 42% of users expect inquiries on social media to…