
Community Building


In the current marketing ecosystem, community-building is not merely an adjacent strategy; it represents the discerning force that sets exceptional brands apart.  Close to 70% of marketers acknowledge the importance of community-building in customer retention, and research shows a community member can yield 13 times more customer lifetime value than general market consumers.  A robust brand community serves as a dynamic conduit, connecting passionate brand advocates. It fosters two-way and personalized communication, encouraging user-generated content…

TINT is proud to be headquartered in San Antonio. We have the privilege of having talent from the University of Texas at San Antonio across multiple teams. Our HQ is a dozen blocks from the UTSA Downtown Campus and Roadrunners are part of our day-to-day life. From June 3 to June 9 (2019), downtown San Antonio will be lit up in orange to honor UTSA’s impact. We’re celebrating in two ways. We’re decorating our space…

The TINT team truly feels like a second family. We eat together, we laugh together, and most importantly, we help each other when in need; but let’s not forget our love for some friendly competition. Each month, TINT gives employees $100 as part of the Self-Improvement Program. This…