So you’ve just created a Facebook Fan Page for your business, and you’re ready to gather a following for your company and help your business reach out to potential customers. As you prepare to type out your very first Facebook status–your company’s first contact with the vast virtual world–you find yourself stuck by the enormous amount of possibilities. How best to proceed? To ensure success, here are 5 tips on how to share on Facebook to maximize attention and interaction with your company’s Facebook Fan Page.

1) Pictures

There is truth in the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In today’s fast paced society, people are looking to acquire information as efficiently and as quickly as possible, making that 100-word Facebook status about your company’s new product clunky and impractical.

For example, take Coca Cola for example. If you’re Coca Cola,

serves to be a far more interesting, effective, and tantalizing Facebook Status interaction with customers than

“Coca Cola: Our ice cold Cokes are tasting better than ever! “

As your high school writing teacher probably told you, show, don’t tell. 

2) Keep it short

Enough said.

3) Tag relevant people and/or companies in the status

Tagging other brands or individuals in the status increases traffic to your page because of increased channels through which potential customers can find your status. This can be done strategically collaborating with companies that offer products complementary to your own. For example, Coca Cola might offer a deal with a sandwich company to increase joint sales and proceed to tag their fan page in their Facebook Status. Here is another good example:

Pentatonix is a famous acappella (singing) group. As you can see in their Facebook Status, they tagged fellow musician Quincy Jones, the venue The Fox Theatre Atlanta, and the American Cancer Society, helping all three gain exposure while also encouraging their fans to come out to their performance. Teamwork makes the world go ‘round.

4) Interact with Customers

Rather than using the Facebook Status to send out a constant stream of updates regarding the company’s internal activities, utilize the opportunity to interact directly with customers by organizing contests, giveaways, or surveys. This will give your business the chance to obtain valuable consumer feedback and increase brand image.

Here you can see Levi’s doing just that. The company poses the question “Which color is more your style?” while also providing a link for easy purchasing access. This allows Levi’s to gather customer feedback while also making sales. Too easy.

5) Use Humor

When delivered as, or accompanied by humor, information is more likely to be positively received, and more importantly, remembered by your target audience. Furthermore, on a psychological level, the brain will learn to associate your business with positive emotions. However, as a word of caution, be sure to discern what is professionally appropriate, and what should be saved for a casual setting, as that can derail your company’s public image. Used correctly, humor can be a powerful tool.

In Conclusion

Whether your company is a startup looking to establish itself or a corporation venturing into the metaphorical waters of Facebook for the first time, Facebook Statuses are a powerful tool that provides a direct and effective communication channel to customers. Utilized wisely, they can provide a company with the slight edge so valuable in an ever-competitive market. Who knew so much could come out of sharing “What’s on Your Mind?”

Was this article helpful? What do you find is the most effective way to share on Facebook? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

