We want to be sure you to get the most out of your UGC. That means keeping you updated with the latest changes to Instagram and other social media platforms. In December of last year, Instagram made another series of changes to continue the depreciation of its API usage. So, what does that mean to you as a marketer?

TINT recently hosted our webinar on Instagram changes to talk you through these changes and how it impacts you.

During the webinar, we covered all previous changes that took place earlier this year and went over how you can get the most out of your user-generated content. We also covered Instagram Business accounts and how to request rights to your UGC.

With our solution and advice on UGC strategies moving forward, you can proactively plan the best possible next steps. Don’t worry, we left plenty of time for Q&A, to ensure you can make the most of your UGC campaigns, while staying up to date on Instagram changes. Access the recording and the slides below.



If you’re interested in learning more about Instagram changes or wanting to talk through specific ideas for your brand, Request a Demo to get started.