
Sameer Kamat


For more than a decade, TINT has understood the transformative power of authentic user-generated content. It’s the candid photo shared by a satisfied customer, the review that speaks volumes about a product’s efficacy, and the user-created video that captures those genuine moments of joyous experiences that you seek to deliver with your brand’s products and services. These expressions wield a unique influence, shaping perceptions and steering purchase decisions in ways that traditional marketing falls short,…

2019 has been another innovative year at TINT. Our vision has always been to empower brands with powerful and hyper-personalized content experiences, enabling them to build trust on a strong foundation of User Generated Content (UGC).  This year we’ve kept this vision in focus throughout everything we do, from thought leadership events and trend research to strategic services and product launches—as well as strategic partnerships we’ve developed along the way. Here are just a few…