
Editor’s Picks


User Generated Content (UGC) in marketing strategies is on the rise. Brands have realized how valuable it is to use genuine images shared on social media by real-life customers. With this shift has come a host of legal questions: when is it ok to use an image shared to social media? When does a brand need to get permission to use the photo? And from whom?

Social Studies Podcast is a talk show produced by TINT about marketing, social media, and technology through the lens of the industry’s most innovative minds. Hosted by Nathan Zaru. In this episode we welcome Nik Baron, head of SEO at Grammarly. You can find him @nikbaron and tweet us with comments and requests @TINT and @yes. Nathan:          Hello and welcome to the next episode of Social Studies. Our guest today is Nik Barron, head of SEO at Grammarly.com. Nik, welcome to Social Studies. Nik:                …

Over and over, those of us who work on the internet are told, “Don’t feed the trolls. Don’t talk back. It’s what they want.” But is that true? Does ignoring trolls actually stop trolling?

Growth Marketing Experiments with Jason Hitchcock: They say that corporate communications basically come in two forms. You have your public facing, like here are the product announcements that the market needs to know about and then there’s the other type where it’s a peek behind the curtain and it’s like, “Come in and have tea with us.” I feel like this podcast is that version.