
David Ramirez


Graduations celebrate the culmination of academic progress. They are more than events; they’re opportunities for communities to gather and participate in festivities. Social walls allow families, graduates, and community members to participate more actively in the celebration. Yes, you can quickly launch TINT social walls to display and aggregate content from social media at near real-time speeds. However, savvy commencement producers know that with a little planning, your graduation social wall can attract more content,…

As published in the International Festivals & Events Association’s “ie: the business of international events” magazine. Designed especially with a focus on the business side of events, “ie” also features event and professional profiles, regional and international perspectives, resource and book reviews and much more. “ie” magazine is the leading professional resource for the international festivals and events business that can help keep your event on track in today’s changing and dynamic world. Read the…

Social displays are powerful tools to drive engagement, improve participation, and build connections with your audience. But, the savviest event professionals know that social walls are also an opportunity to drive revenue, increase sponsorship opportunities, and add new channels for sponsor recognition.  Here is your guide to drive sponsorship with social displays. Social Display Basics In its simplest form, a social display is a screen or projection showing event attendees’ and participants’ aggregated and curated…

Event planning cycles start early, and busy event organizers are looking toward the event trends that will capture attendees’ imaginations (and revenue). Recently back from the International Festivals and Events Association annual conference, our team has six trends to watch.  Which 2023 event trend is next for you? Experience-First Events Discussing “Experience-First” events as a 2023 event trend may feel counterintuitive. What is an event but an experience? But as the metaverses and digital events…