
Garrett Heath

Garrett Heath is a social media and content marketing consultant and founder of

Brands have known the power of word-of-mouth marketing for years—the opinion of a family member, friend or colleague can make or break the decision to purchase a new car, eat at a particular restaurant or sign on for an enterprise software solution. And with social interactions happening more online, the methods by which we vouch for products and services within our networks have followed. Today, user-generated content (UGC) that showcases the merits of a brand’s…

With many universities shutting down or delivering online classes due to the COVID-19 outbreak, universities may wonder how to stay connected with their students. After all, if students are quarantined at home it’s hard to have that college experience. But just because we’re practicing “social distancing” doesn’t mean that we have to be socially isolated. Here are some ideas for user-generated content (UGC) campaigns that universities can try out to connect with their students online…

The currency on social media is attention and exposure. And since influencers hold the attention of loyal followers—with a trend of smaller micro and nanoinfluencers having an impact on their audience—making them a part of your brand’s social media marketing strategy is crucial. But to catch an influencer’s eye, brands must wow them not only with a high-quality product but also by paying attention to the details and cultivating a meaningful connection. We’ve put together…